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Anita Bujtás violinist was born in Budapest, in a family of musicians, a daughter of József Bujtás, composer. She began studying violin at age 6. After completing her secondary education at the Béla Bartók Secondary School of Music, she earned her degree as a violinist at the Liszt Ferenc University of Music in Budapest in 1997. Her professor was Dr Leila Rásonyi, who learned the traditions of the Russian violinist school in Moscow from David Oistrakh, Igor Bezrodny and Leonid Kogan. Dr Leila Rásonyi declared in her recommendation (see in Gallery) about Anita: „I consider Anita truly talented, her playing has an effective radiance”. A period followed, when the development of her private life interrupted her professional career for years, but now she feels it is time for an artistic unfolding.

She has performed in several places in Hungary, including the MÜPA, Nádor Hall, Duna Palace, Vigadó, Fészek Artists’ Club (Budapest), and also in Germany, Austria and Italy. She has performed with such artists as Gergely Kovács piano artist, Máté Zsolt Mészáros organist, László Váradi piano artist, Jutta Bokor, László Hadady, László Holics, Zsuzsa Kollár, Kálmán Kovács, Anna Granik, Dóra Bizják, Károly Zentai, and appeared as soloist of the Sonora Musica orchestra.

Eszter Lázár, former editor of Bartók Radio in Budapest, invited her for recitals at the Fészek Artists’ Club in Budapest. She has performed at Fészek’s concerts so far Cesar Franck’s Violin Sonata, one movement from Bartók’s Violin Concerto, one movement from Brahms’ Violin Concerto, Schubert songs in her transcription and Poéme Fantasy by József Bujtás, among others.

Anita Bujtás is one of the winners of the National Philharmonia’s tender.

She was among the 3 students, whom Dr. Leila Rásonyi, a State Knight’s Cross – awarded solo violinist asked of 40 years of teaching at the Academy of Music, to play the violin for the presentation of her Autobiography. The event took place int he Rátkay Club on 28 Novermber 2019.

According to the November 2017 issue of Zsámbéki Polgár: “The great masterpieces of classical music are the messages of a higher, divine dimension, as the soloist (Anita Bujtás) claimed, and proved once again that by her performance she also ventured to similar heights.”

She states of her artistic impulse: I was always motivated by performing the musical works, expressing the musical content as I feel, which is very inspiring.

Anita has considerable impact on her audience. Her audience members declared about their experience: a lady stated that she had not been able to let Bartók close to her so far, but as a result of Anita Bujtás’ performance this changed; she would listen to his works differently. A regular classical concert-goer said that she had never heard a Bartók performance with such empathy and elemental power. Another lady commented: she lifted her soul with her Bach performance as much as very few artists could. An elderly gentleman whose favourite composer was Bach said that he had never experienced before that the performance of a romantic work should have as much of an impact as in Anita Bujtás’ performance. At a church musical reverence concert, where the audience was asked not to applaud, after Anita Bujtás’ performance the audience couldn’t stand it and applauded.

She is currently working on Bartók’s 2nd Violin Concerto, among others, so that the entire work can be presented in her performance. She is very fond of sonatas, plans to perform Beethoven’s sonatas, which are prominent in her spiritual world, as are works by Mozart, Schubert, Bach, Brahms, Tchaikovsky, Bartók. She also presents with great pleasure the works of his father, József Bujtás, written for her, in which she finds rich musical content to be expressed.

Her Ars poetica: “The performer must become a medium that evokes not only the spirit of the composer, but the spirit that the composer evoked from the higher worlds when creating the work”.